Learn more about our programs here!

  • Our infant program is designed specifically to meet the needs of your infant by:

    • Creating a safe and nurturing environment

    • Building social skills through relationships with caregivers

    • Developing fine motor skills such as hand-eye coordination

    • Building gross motor skills through exploration and movement

    • Introducing language through story time

    • Creating an enriching environment through visual and auditory experiences

  • Our toddler program provides a safe and loving environment that fosters age-appropriate independence through:

    • Language development with songs and picture books that encourage word recognition and expression

    • An environment that fosters independent skills

    • Actively engaging children throughout the day with large group activities and more focused activities such as crafts, block play, etc. to build motor skills

  • Two-year-olds are learning and growing at a rapid rate so our program is focused on meeting their individual needs and curiosities in a variety of ways, some of which include:

    • Encouraging language development through the use of 1) intentional language in the classroom since children learn through hearing as much as doing, and 2) asking questions to probe their minds and encouraging communication skills

    • Introducing early math skills through math language (first and last, more or less), exploring patterns, and measurements (how many blocks, etc.)

    • Cultivating children's natural desire to investigate the world around them by providing opportunities to solve problems, explore light and shadows, discuss the weather and seasons, and introduce them to names of body parts, etc.

    • Fostering expression through the arts by providing a variety of music and musical instruments, allowing exploration of various art materials including paint, crayons, glue, and play dough, and offering opportunities for imaginative play.

    • Building social-emotional skills by modeling empathy, impulse control, and conflict resolution. Teachers also develop these skills by providing vocabulary to express negative or positive emotions and providing consistent routines and schedules.

    • Supporting children's physical development by encouraging movement through physical play both indoors and outdoors, opportunities to feed and dress themselves as well as introducing age-appropriate writing materials.

  • Our three-year-old program provides intentional learning activities that will spark your child's interest and curiosity and develop the skills needed to enter preschool by:

    • Encouraging language development by helping children learn to listen and follow multistep directions, ask questions, learn how to hold a book and turn the page, read together in the library area, sing songs with rhyming and repetition to build vocabulary, and build communication skills through conversation

    • Encouraging mathematical exploration by singing songs and nursery rhymes that include numbers, using mathematical language (large and small, up down, etc.), providing toys and tools that explore size and shape such as scales, rulers, timers, and measuring cups, and by counting with children.

    • Exploring science with students by studying plants, animals, and people, through books and learning with objects from nature

    • Encouraging healthy social-emotional skills and peer relationships by providing children with opportunities for independence throughout the day, reading books that talk about emotions, modeling appropriate interactions and emotional expression, and playing games that encourage children to stop and go and therefore build skills to control their actions.

    • Promoting healthy physical development by providing appropriate objects to roll, throw, and bounce, and encouraging children to collect and dump small objects such as rocks, etc.

Kids Point Learning Center partners with the following companies to enhance our programs.

Brightwheel is a comprehensive childcare management software. Parents can receive real-time updates, communicate with teachers and administrators directly, as well as manage payments and billing accounts.

Little Spoon enables us to provide high-quality, nutritious lunches that are veggie and protein-packed. Parents of children 12+ months can purchase Biteables early finger foods that are cut-to-size bites and parents of children 16+ months can purchase Plates which are specifically designed for those picky eaters!